North Star Showdown
The Granite City Gunslingers are very proud to be selected to host the SASS Minnesota State Championship. We are up for the challenge of putting on a great match. If you are interested in being a part of this great event we are looking for volunteers to help out with in all areas of the match.
Please contact the Match Director - Hillbilly Bert at hillbillybert@outlook.com or 952 452 2907,
with any questions or find out how to be a part of this great event.
Northstar Showdown in July? YEP! Are we nuts? NOPE! We're COOL!
New cooling tent and air conditioned spaces will be on the range.
Print out the application on your computer and fill it in completely. One application per shooter please.
All applications must be mailed in with their payment.
If your browser doesn't display the forms you may need a PDF Reader to open and print our application. If you don't have this software you get find it here.