Project Manager

GCG Membership 2024 options:
We are happy to announce that our GCG membership fees have not changed this year. However, Kimball Rod and Gun Club (KRGC) fees did go up. See below for rates.
Fill out the attached membership form and waivers to get your membership going now.
If joining both KRGC & GCG fill out the KRGC waiver - AND fill out GCG Membership and a GCG Waiver per person.
If membership is already paid to KRGC - Still fill out GCG Membership and a GCG Waiver per person and notate membership fees paid to KRGC.
If joining GCG only please fill out GCG Membership and a GCG Waiver for each person included in membership (minors need waivers also).
GCG membership rates:
$25.00 Individual adult shooter membership - $25 (NRA membership not required)
$40.00 Family membership - $40.00 (living in same household & youth are free)
KRGC membership rates:
Individual Membership - $65 for NRA members, $100 for non-NRA members
Family Membership - $80 for NRA members, $115 for non-NRA members. "Family" is defined as the Member and his/her Spouse, Life Partner, or Significant Other, and minor children residing in the Member's household. Other household individuals 18 years and older must have their own membership.
The full option, which is a dual membership, in Kimball Rod and Gun Club is $65.00, this requires membership in the NRA and for you to fill out three forms; the Kimball Rod and Gun Club membership liability waiver, the Granite City Gunslingers application, and the Granite City Gunslingers liability waiver. This option gives full membership rights to both clubs.
Why pay extra to join the club? Perhaps the most important reason is to have a voice in the projects that the club undertakes and at the same time enjoy the friendship of fellow shooters. Building a strong club with a solid membership helps to both protect and enhance future shooting opportunities for us as members and all the new shooters coming behind us.
Kimball Rod and Gun Club website: https://kimballrgc.com
The second option is a Granite City Gunslingers only option. This requires you to fill out only two forms; the Granite City Gunslingers application and liability waiver. This option does not require membership in the NRA. The cost is only $25.00 for a single person but we have a family option for $40.00. Both options will give you a $5.00 discount to any regular monthly Granite City Gunslingers match and the family option saves an additional $10.00 so bring the spouse along and save a little on the shooting fee.
Please print and fill out the enclosed membership application and waivers and sign and return them to the GCG Secretary so that you can be a part of the great 2024 shooting season.
Membership Form
Liability Form
Liability Form